Monday, March 27, 2006

The Cardinal Grilling Virtue

In grilling, the cardinal virtue is never put your drink down when you grill. Not all grillers can stand up to this rigorous requirement, but only a select few are able to manage...

It's important to have a very hot fire for grilling! But it's very hard to make such a hot fire without putting your drink down!

Last night's guest appearance by Matt Collette showcased his exemplary ability to excel at the cardinal griller virtue...

As you can see in this picture, Luke Shingledecker - grillmaster extraordinaire - demonstrates his carefully cultivated technique of flipping sweet potatoes without setting his drink down. J Bergquist, on the other hand, has fallen down on the job and not only is he not holding his drink - but it's not even in the picture! The Horror! The Horror!

The only instance when it becomes acceptable to set a drink down while grilling is in cases where it is empty. Then you may set it down...


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